Cardiorespiratory System

  1. 2. chamber of the heart that first receives oxygenated blood as it returns from the lungs
  2. 4. System that consist of the lungs and airways
  3. 5. Makes up about 55% of our blood and mainly consists of water
  4. 8. the smallest of blood vessels that form a network between veins and arteries
  5. 13. vein that brings deoxygenated blood from the lower half of your body back to the heart
  6. 14. primary organ of the respiratory system
  7. 15. Something your blood must do so you don’t bleed out when you have a small scrape or scratch
  8. 18. chamber of the heart that first receives deoxygenated blood
  9. 20. chamber of the heart responsible for pushing oxygenated blood out of the heart and into the aorta
  10. 22. another name for warm blooded, meaning these animals burn more calories to regulate body temperature
  11. 23. colorless, cell fragments that help with blood clotting
  12. 25. process our mitochondria perform to make ATP
  13. 29. large flat muscle in the middle or our body that helps our lungs inhale and exhale
  14. 30. Blood cells that make up about 45% of our blood and carry oxygen
  15. 31. oxygenated blood leaves the heart by way of this large artery
  16. 32. protein responsible for helping red blood cells transport oxygen
  1. 1. System that consist of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems
  2. 3. oxygenated blood travels from the lungs to the heart using this blood vessel
  3. 6. airway composed of cartilage rings, that stretches from the larynx to the bronchioles of the lungs
  4. 7. deoxygenated blood leaves the heart by this to go to the lungs
  5. 9. Vein wall can be described as this when compared to an artery
  6. 10. Shape of healthy red blood cells, this shape allows them to carry oxygen
  7. 11. System that consist of the heart, blood, and blood vessels
  8. 12. vein that brings deoxygenated blood from the upper half of your body back to the heart
  9. 16. another name for cold blooded, meaning these animals don’t need to work as hard to regulate body temperature
  10. 17. Blood cells that protect our body against foreign materials
  11. 19. Artery wall can be described as this when compared to a vein
  12. 21. responsible for bringing blood from the rest of your body back to your heart
  13. 24. responsible for taking blood away from your heart to the rest of your body
  14. 26. ATP is made from this and glucose
  15. 27. Organ whose sole responsibility is to pump blood
  16. 28. chamber of the heart responsible for pushing deoxygenated blood out of the heart and into the pulmonary artery