Cardiovascular and Respiratory System

  1. 2. an inflammation of the lungs commonly caused by a bacteria or viral infection
  2. 5. cells that prevent the body's loss of blood
  3. 8. the exchange of gases between the body and the environment
  4. 9. an inflammatory condition in which the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles become narrowed, causing difficulty in breathing
  5. 11. the muscle that separates the chest from the abdominal cavity
  6. 12. blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart
  7. 13. a condition in which the ability of the blood to carry oxygen is reduced
  1. 1. small vessels that carry blood between arterioles and vessels called venules
  2. 3. an inflammation of the bronchi caused by infection or exposure to irritants such as tobacco smoke and air pollution
  3. 4. a form of cancer in which any one of the different types of white blood cells is produced excessively and abnormally
  4. 6. disease that progressively destroys the walls of the alveoli
  5. 7. blood vessels that return blood to the heart
  6. 10. voice box