Cardiovascular study

  1. 1. Small, branched off veins
  2. 5. combining form pertaining to the veins
  3. 8. Used to measure pressure
  4. 10. Hypertension
  5. 13. Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
  6. 15. Small, branched off arteries
  7. 16. blood vessel that takes blood away from the heard
  8. 17. Point of maximum impulse of the heart when felt during examination
  9. 18. combining form pertaining to the heart
  10. 21. swollen and dilated veins
  11. 22. complete stopping of the heart
  12. 23. swelling of the pericardial sac
  1. 2. Used to listen to sounds in the body
  2. 3. combining form pertaining to the aorta
  3. 4. takes deoxygenated blood away from the hear to the lungs
  4. 6. combining form pertaining to blood
  5. 7. ballooning/swelling of an artery
  6. 8. Used to test how hard the heart is working during activity
  7. 9. high blood pressure
  8. 11. Uses ultrasound to view the heart and blood vessels
  9. 12. as needed
  10. 14. Do not resuscitate
  11. 18. Small tube used in cardiac catheterization
  12. 19. combining form pertaining to the heart or crown
  13. 20. blood vessel that takes blood back to the heart