Cardiovascular System

  1. 1. test to check any heart problems
  2. 2. heart
  3. 4. arrest sudden loss of heart function
  4. 5. artery
  5. 7. blood vessels
  6. 9. what takes your oxygen
  7. 11. beats per minute
  8. 13. when the flow of the blood is blocked to the heart
  9. 15. when the heart doesn't pump enough blood to the heart
  10. 16. cardiopulmonary resurrections
  11. 18. where the blood travels through
  12. 19. electrocardiogram
  1. 1. narrowing the of arteries
  2. 3. fast
  3. 6. oxygen
  4. 8. body fluid that runs through the veins
  5. 10. when the heart beats too slow or two fast
  6. 12. muscular pumping device
  7. 14. Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  8. 17. where the arteries, veins and capillaries are