Cardiovascular System: Blood
- 1. what is the shape of the RBS erythrocyt?
- 5. (orange-yellow pigment)
- 7. platelets
- 10. Formation of all blood cells
- 11. Forms the nonprotein part of hemeoglobin and some other biological molecules
- 13. Protein the body produces "ATTACK"any forgein material "mark for Death"
- 14. A mineral that the body needs for growth and development
- 16. They help form blod clots to stop bleeding when yo have an injuy
- 18. White blood cells
- 2. red blood cells lack of what?
- 3. Formation or erythrocytes(red blood cells)
- 4. samll heme-proteins that reversibly bind oxygen
- 6. Protein that does not belong inside the body "ATTACK"the detected Antigen
- 7. Formation of thrombocytes (platelets)
- 8. An important heat-trapping gas, or greenhouse gas
- 9. A person trained to draw blood from a patient for clinical or medical testing
- 12. Cannot have B or AB blood
- 15. The pncture of a vein as part of a medical procedure, typically to withdraw
- 17. what does RBS stand for?
- 19. red blood cells