Cardiovascular Terms

  1. 2. A health professional monitors a patient's vitals while exercising
  2. 5. The smallest type of blood vessel
  3. 6. A device that regulates heartbeat with small electrical shocks
  4. 8. Suffix: surgical puncture to remove fluid
  5. 11. The central organ of the cardiovascular system
  6. 14. Suffix: rupture
  7. 16. A test that uses ultrasound to look at the heart and blood vessels
  8. 17. Root: heart or crown
  9. 21. What s/p stands for
  10. 22. Increased pressure in blood vessels
  11. 23. Carries blood away from the heart
  12. 24. Root: pulse
  13. 25. An instrument that measures blood pressure
  14. 29. What CC stands for
  15. 30. The inner layer of the heart wall
  1. 1. Inflammation of the pericardial sac
  2. 3. Swollen, dilated veins, often in the legs
  3. 4. What VSS stands for
  4. 7. A complete stopping of the heart
  5. 9. Suffix: narrowing
  6. 10. What ER stands for
  7. 12. The outer layer of the heart wall
  8. 13. Prefix: fast
  9. 15. What IV stands for
  10. 18. A condition where an artery has a weakened wall
  11. 19. An instrument used to listen to the heart, lungs, and intestines
  12. 20. What prn stands for
  13. 26. The middle, muscular layer of the heart wall
  14. 27. A two-layer sac enclosing the heart wall
  15. 28. Carries blood toward the heart