Carroll County Emergency Management

  1. 3. During a heat emergency wear... colored clothing
  2. 5. Sprinkle... on the sidewalk before a blizzard to make it less slippery
  3. 7. A... supply kit should contain food, water, first aid, tools and sanitation
  4. 8. After an earthquake always stay...
  5. 9. In the event of an earthquake get under furniture and... your head
  6. 12. One of the most common natural disasters in MD
  7. 13. Carter Which US president signed the order to create FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)?
  8. 15. Stay... about weather conditions
  9. 16. What is the most common thing people lose after a disaster
  10. 17. In the event of a flood stay...
  11. 19. The tide receding quickly into the sea could mean a...
  1. 1. When there is a drought take... showers
  2. 2. What does HAZMAT stand for?
  3. 4. Store one... of water for each person in your supply kit
  4. 5. Do not use plug in items during a lighting storm for fear of a power..., which can electrocute you.
  5. 6. Earthquakes, Storms, and Volcanic Eruptions can all create...
  6. 10. Stay away from... power lines and report them to a utility company
  7. 11. A loud roar (almost like a freight train) indicates which type of natural disaster?
  8. 14. Smoke alarms should be checked every...
  9. 18. In the event of a fire check for... coming from under the door before opening it