Carrot Wars 2020

  1. 5. What show did we attend in January?
  2. 6. Virus came from
  3. 10. Who do we want to come back?
  4. 12. Hates phys ed basketball
  5. 13. Most likely to steal
  6. 15. "Add a beat!"
  7. 17. Has the whole pharmacy and her wardrobe in her locker
  8. 18. Recently baptised
  9. 19. Reason we aren't able to see each other
  10. 21. What month did we make the tik tok groupchat?
  11. 22. Brutally honest
  1. 1. Boy who we spent Valentine's Day with
  2. 2. Who has the most cases in Canada?
  3. 3. Everyone's favourite dog
  4. 4. A favourite hangout spot
  5. 7. "I'm the thickest"
  6. 8. What is Kat's song to dance to?
  7. 9. <let's get____!>
  8. 11. Best dancer
  9. 14. Luke Hughes' future wife
  10. 16. Most likely to never say a swear word
  11. 20. Most likely to catch feels through the internet