- 2. Miles allowed to be driven each year on a leased car
- 4. Cash payment made by the customer at the beginning
- 5. Cover damage to your own vehicle
- 6. Things like an extended warranty that would be exempt from sales tax
- 9. Discounts given by the dealer/manufacturer
- 11. Length of lease
- 13. Price negociated by you and dealer
- 14. Rate that computes finance charge
- 16. Covers damage or loss to your vehicle from fire, theft, vandalism and other causes
- 17. Price negotiated by dealer and buyer
- 19. Contract made between company and lessee
- 22. What you pay before insurance kicks in
- 24. Money held by dealer to pay for any damage
- 26. Covers your liability for injuries to others
- 29. Average annual cost divided by original cost
- 30. License and title transfer fees (cost of registering your car)
- 31. Protection plan on your car
- 32. Amount that customer has left to pay
- 1. Tax computed on the purchase price
- 3. Protects you from uninsured persons
- 7. Market value, when you sell to someone else
- 8. Covers damage to other people's, including their car
- 10. Expected value of a vehicle at the end of a lease period
- 12. Sticker price
- 15. Reduces lease price
- 18. Vehicle history
- 19. Charge for processing the lease contract
- 20. "out the door price" purchase price+sales tax+registration fees+non-taxable items
- 21. Loss of value as the car gets older
- 23. Everything is covered through a warranty
- 25. Amount you get for your old car when you trade in
- 27. Website that tells you your cars worth
- 28. Bare minimum coverage