Case Study 5 - Respiratory System

  1. 4. Moistens and warms air entering the respiratory system.
  2. 5. A glycoprotein released by neutrophils shown to cause damage to lung tissue.
  3. 8. A common symptom of COPD.
  4. 9. A test commonly used to measure lung function.
  1. 1. A consequence of an AAT deficiency associated with inflamation of the adipose tissue below the skin.
  2. 2. One of four possible patterns in spirometry. It is characterised by a relatively sharp increase, followed by an exponential decay.
  3. 3. Slender protuberances that help protect the respiratory system.
  4. 6. A common response to dust chemicals and vapors in the respiratory system
  5. 7. One of two conditions associated with COPD.
  6. 10. Best and cheapest way to slow down progressive symptoms.