Cash is King

  1. 2. People or businesses that a business owes money to.
  2. 5. The movement of money into and out of a business.
  3. 8. Item of value owned by a business.
  4. 10. A record of the cash movements in a business.
  5. 11. Inflows minus outflows
  6. 12. Money coming into a business, e.g. from sales.
  7. 13. A prediction of cash movements in a business.
  8. 14. Legal status which means owners are responsible for all business debts.
  9. 16. Legal status where owners can only lose the money invested in the business.
  10. 17. Cash position at the start of the month.
  1. 1. People who owe a business money.
  2. 3. Where a bank agrees for a business to take out more money than they have in their account.
  3. 4. A document setting out what a business hopes to achieve and how.
  4. 6. When a business expands too quickly without the cash resources to support the growth.
  5. 7. Insufficient cash to pay bills.
  6. 9. Money leaving a business to pay day-to-day bills.
  7. 10. Money instantly available to pay costs - notes, coins or in the bank.
  8. 15. Cash position at the end of the month.