Cassidy + Thomas shower

  1. 2. Color of the Thomas’ eyes
  2. 3. First vacation they went on together
  3. 4. Month of Thomas’ birthday
  4. 8. Sport Thomas played in school
  5. 9. Instrument Cassidy played in school
  6. 12. Where did they meet?
  7. 15. Color of the Cassidy’s eyes
  8. 18. Month of the Cassidy’s birthday
  9. 19. Their favorite movie
  10. 20. Where was Cassidy born?
  11. 21. Cassidy’s go-to alcoholic drink
  1. 1. Thomas’ favorite football team
  2. 5. Cassidy’s new last name
  3. 6. Their favorite beer
  4. 7. Thomas’ go-to alcoholic drink
  5. 10. Restaurant where they had their first date
  6. 11. Who made the first moved?
  7. 13. Their weenie dog’s name
  8. 14. How many years have they been together?
  9. 16. First concert they attended together
  10. 17. Their chihuahua’s name
  11. 22. What month did they get engaged?