  1. 2. how many vocabulary strategies did we mention
  2. 5. what you do to the main idea
  3. 6. using Spanish ______ to figure out word meanings
  4. 8. a vocabulary strategy (thumbs up!)
  5. 11. a way to talk to the text that includes your thoughts
  6. 13. what you capture using the other C
  7. 15. another word for "speak" to the text
  8. 16. what do you circle in CATCH
  1. 1. a "before reading strategy" to talk to the text
  2. 3. a way to talk to the text that includes your feelings
  3. 4. what do you write when you acknowledge confusion
  4. 6. a vocabulary strategy "CC"
  5. 7. what you do to important words and information (last!)
  6. 9. a vocabulary strategy (make a scissors motion!)
  7. 10. how to deal with confusion in CATCH
  8. 12. an acronym for a reading strategy
  9. 14. a way to talk to the text that relates to other people, things or places