Catching fire 11-20

  1. 2. make someone mentally unbalanced
  2. 5. _______ evidence
  3. 7. he was buried in a linen _______
  4. 8. not trusting someone or something and usually avoiding him, her, or it if possible
  5. 11. three or more pieces of hair or string-like
  6. 12. to walk about in an idle or leisurely manner
  7. 14. arrest someone for a crime
  8. 17. having no fixed course
  9. 18. arousing or deserving hatred
  10. 19. something usual or expected
  11. 20. the action is a little too blunt or direct
  12. 22. to engage in contemplation
  13. 24. in large quantities
  14. 26. a person with whom one shares a secret or private matter
  15. 27. he delivers a breathless and effortless _______
  1. 1. unsure uncertain; not definite or positive; hesitant
  2. 3. I woke up and ________ crept downstairs
  3. 4. she has for some time been ______ on photography
  4. 6. the rods are carved in the form of a series of ___________ faces and grotesques
  5. 9. sorrow and remorse
  6. 10. feeling of trust and friendship among a group
  7. 13. what remains after most of something is gone
  8. 14. a pointed tool for marking surfaces or piercing
  9. 15. exaggerated dramatic behavior designed to attract attention
  10. 16. a long arduous journey, especially one made on foot
  11. 21. hard to find or capture
  12. 23. an upholstered footstool or ottoman
  13. 24. reach a climax or point of highest development
  14. 25. make known private or sensitive information