Catching fire

  1. 2. of a route or journey longer than the most direct way
  2. 4. exaggerated dramatic behavior designed to attract attention
  3. 6. make someone mentally unbalanced
  4. 11. to travel
  5. 12. a substance that changes the rate of a chemical reaction but is itself unchanged at the end of the process
  6. 13. an arrangement of elements in a particular form, figure, or combination
  7. 15. not trusting someone or something and usually avoiding him, her, or it if possible
  8. 16. scared of closed or narrow spaces.
  9. 19. reach a climax or point of highest development
  10. 22. a person with whom one shares a secret or private matter
  11. 26. the beetle _______ a liquid
  12. 27. going up
  13. 29. to walk about in an idle or leisurely manner
  14. 31. kept secret or done secretively
  15. 33. permitting the passage of light
  16. 36. having no fixed course
  17. 37. his mealtimes were entirely _______
  18. 39. period of time
  19. 40. this is typically cloud, smoke or steam
  20. 43. causing sorrow or pity pitiable deplorable
  21. 47. feeling of trust and friendship among a group
  22. 49. there was no _______ from this view
  23. 50. he delivers a breathless and effortless _______
  24. 53. an unlikely chance occurrence
  25. 54. discrimination was ______ to us all
  26. 55. not affected by alcohol not drunk
  27. 56. make known private or sensitive information
  28. 57. used daily
  29. 58. hard to find or capture
  30. 60. quick and skillful in action
  31. 61. roofed, open-air hallway or porch, attached to the outside of a building
  32. 63. arrest someone for a crime
  33. 64. a pointed tool for marking surfaces or piercing
  34. 65. _______ evidence
  35. 67. a long arduous journey, especially one made on foot
  36. 69. causing annoyance anger or another strong reaction
  37. 70. close to the actual
  38. 71. characterized by or affected with trembling or tremors
  39. 73. arousing or deserving hatred
  40. 74. bring under control
  41. 75. treacherous, ___________ behavior
  1. 1. make or become faster or quicker
  2. 3. soothe in temper or disposition
  3. 5. he was buried in a linen _______
  4. 7. he knew himself all too prone to _______
  5. 8. an outcast
  6. 9. medicine made by dissolving a drug in alcohol
  7. 10. evaluation is part of the basic _____ of the project
  8. 12. governed or characterized
  9. 14. he had the _______ to do that
  10. 17. yet another space show that _______ disregarded scientific fact
  11. 18. she soaked a flannel in the ______ water
  12. 20. the rods are carved in the form of a series of ___________ faces and grotesques
  13. 21. I woke up and ________ crept downstairs
  14. 23. an electric golf cart careened around the corner
  15. 24. to rid of whatever is impure or undesirable cleanse purify
  16. 25. one that contends with opposes or resists
  17. 28. quench or satisfy one's thirst
  18. 30. take something for one's own use
  19. 32. dislike greatly
  20. 34. in large quantities
  21. 35. an upholstered footstool or ottoman
  22. 38. a person who attacks someone violently
  23. 39. what remains after most of something is gone
  24. 41. deceit used in order to achieve one's goal
  25. 42. the action is a little too blunt or direct
  26. 44. to decorate a room or other place for a special occasion
  27. 45. she has for some time been ______ on photography
  28. 46. something usual or expected
  29. 48. to annoy, bother, irritate
  30. 51. three or more pieces of hair or string-like
  31. 52. sorrow and remorse
  32. 59. unsure uncertain; not definite or positive; hesitant
  33. 62. to vacillate irresolutely between choices
  34. 66. always thinking of someone
  35. 68. to engage in contemplation
  36. 72. his clothes were ________