Category 3 - Part II

  1. 1. A Main Sequence star located near the edge of a disc shaped galaxy
  2. 3. A map made out of lines to show elevations
  3. 7. Made out of gas and dust; birthplace of protostar
  4. 8. Plate tectonics collide. Makes mountains
  5. 9. Makes Fault lines and Earthquakes
  6. 10. The Doppler Red Shift Indicates that our universe is _____
  7. 11. Plate tectonics divide. Makes a Mid-Ocean Ridge
  1. 1. Stars with high luminosity and low temperature
  2. 2. A type of Convergent Boundary
  3. 4. Name given to the lines found in a topographic map
  4. 5. Component of the Universe made out of stars
  5. 6. The height of a geographic feature
  6. 12. It has the longest wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum