- 1. a feline disease made famous by a rock singer
- 3. has two forms wet and dry
- 7. Feline Leukemia, and FIV can all cause this syndrome
- 9. causes abortion in cats
- 13. feline distemper
- 17. a common clinical sign of herpes infection in cats
- 2. this infection can cause tumors
- 4. Feline Leukemia, FIV, Panleukopenia, and Rhinotracheitis all cause this
- 5. a parvo virus infection in cats
- 6. zoonotic and can cause birth defects in humans
- 8. viruses that cause over 95% of all upper respiratory disease in cats
- 10. infected cats are carriers for life
- 11. rabies, pasteurella multocida, bartonella, FIP are all commonly passed by this
- 12. feline panleukopenia attacks this part of the brain
- 14. a common clinical sign of Calic infection in cats
- 15. kitten shot
- 16. in cats