Cats and Mice
- 2. What are newborn mice called?
- 7. a cat as a hunter is also known as a
- 10. an angry cat swings this around wildly
- 11. Which mouse sense isn't very good?
- 12. people knit with it but cats play with it
- 14. What part of a mouse never stops growing?
- 17. What is a group of cats called?
- 18. What is a group of mice called?
- 19. Class of Animalia Chordata that includes cats and mice
- 20. a cat's are sensitive to touch
- 22. cats love to watch these through the window
- 1. mice are known as this based upon their diet
- 3. your cat does this when she is happy
- 4. juvenile cat
- 5. your cat might like to _________ with you in bed
- 6. cats are known as this based upon their diet
- 8. cats do this with a toy
- 9. vocalization typical of the cat
- 10. a cat bath is completed with this
- 13. cats like to use a scratching ____
- 15. only good cats get these
- 16. Halloween cats are usually this color
- 17. what an angry cat might scratch with
- 21. this causes your cat's fur to get everywhere