Causes of the American Revolution

  1. 1. The resistance to an established government.
  2. 3. This ‘Massacre’ was a conflict between British soldiers and unarmed Colonists.
  3. 7. _____________ of 1763 was issued after the French & Indian War that didn’t let people cross over the Appalachian Mountains.
  4. 10. Known by the world as the seven years war
  5. 11. The unjust use of government power. The power belongs to one person
  6. 13. The nature and relative arrangement of places and physical features.
  7. 15. To stop buying or using the goods or services of a certain company or country as a protest
  8. 16. Areas under political control of another country and occupied by settlers of that country
  9. 17. Colonists were forced to buy British tea; they protested by dumping tea into the Boston Harbor
  10. 19. A form of government led by a King or Queen
  11. 20. A law
  1. 2. The shot heard around the world, what marked the beginning of the Revolutionary war:
  2. 4. Taxes on newspapers and other paper products
  3. 5. How a country, region, or section makes money
  4. 6. The weather conditions of a certain area.
  5. 8. These colonists want to fight for their independence from Britain.
  6. 9. This man was known as a tyrant and unfair ruler.
  7. 12. This act forced British Redcoats into the colonist’s homes without their permission.
  8. 14. The American colonists who remained loyal to the British Crown during the American Revolutionary War.
  9. 18. Colonists were unhappy that they had this tax on their favorite drink.