Causes of the Civil War

  1. 3. A controversial election which caused southern states to secede.
  2. 4. The first republican to become president.
  3. 7. South Carolina nullified a federal tariff that favored Northern manufacturing over Southern agriculture.
  4. 9. A state that didn't support slavery.
  5. 10. Required all escaped slaves to be captured and returned to their owner.
  6. 16. A slave revolts in Virginia in 1831, resulted in 55-65 deaths.
  7. 17. Part of the U.S. that supported slavery.
  8. 18. Someone who believes the act of slavery is unjust.
  9. 19. A state that continued to use slaves.
  10. 21. A set of five bills that temporarily calmed tensions between slave and non-slave states.
  1. 1. Considered a hero to many of the slaves she helped.
  2. 2. Southern states wanted control of their own laws.
  3. 5. Admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a non-slave state.
  4. 6. Fought between proslavery and antislavery advocates for control of the new territory Kansas.
  5. 8. An escape route led by Harriet Tubman.
  6. 11. Ruled that enslaved people were not citizens of the U.S. and the federal government cannot protect them.
  7. 12. The act of using a person as a workforce without consent.
  8. 13. States had the right to enforce and pass their own laws.
  9. 14. Repealed the Missouri compromise and allowed for popular sovereignty.
  10. 15. Part of the U.S. that did not support slavery.
  11. 20. Taxes on imports.