Causes of the Civil War

  1. 4. Kansas nickname due to fighting over slavery.
  2. 6. Tried to arm slaves for a uprising against their masters - Harper’s Ferry
  3. 7. The Great Compromiser
  4. 8. Leave - The south began this after Lincoln’s election
  5. 9. Political party started to stop the spread of slavery
  6. 12. Repealed the Missouri Compromise - allowing popular sovereignty.
  7. 15. Compromise that make the 36º30’ slavery line
  8. 16. The Liberator publisher
  9. 17. Author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin
  10. 19. 1787 law that kept slavery out of the territories
  11. 20. Liberator Newspaper for immediate abolition
  1. 1. Debate view supported voting over slavery (squatter sovereignty)
  2. 2. John Brown’s raid of this arsenal (gun storage) was to start a slave uprising.
  3. 3. Movement to get rid of slavery
  4. 5. Self rule - squatters/popular--- means voting on slavery
  5. 10. servants who worked for 5-7 years for a trip to America
  6. 11. “A nation divided cannot stand” statement in debate
  7. 13. Free state according to the Compromise of 1850.
  8. 14. Slave Law (Act) to return runaway slaves to their owners.
  9. 18. His cabin is the setting of a book about the horrors of slavery