Causes of the Civil War

  1. 1. To leave or withdraw
  2. 4. Farming
  3. 6. runner people who sneaked goods through the Civil War blockade
  4. 7. a large farm
  5. 8. A tax on imported goods
  6. 11. focus on the interest of one's region
  7. 12. to put an end to
  8. 13. All the businesses that make one kind of product or offer one kind of service.
  9. 14. rights the position that the federal government should not interfere with the states exercising their constitutional powers
  10. 15. a person who supported the Union during the entire Civil War period
  1. 1. person who wanted the south to secede
  2. 2. a local law or piece of legislation
  3. 3. Person who wanted to end slavery
  4. 5. Practice of farming
  5. 9. storage place for military equipment
  6. 10. runaway