Causes of World War II

  1. 3. Country that received most of the blame for World War I
  2. 6. Area of Czechoslovakia taken by Germany
  3. 9. Axis agreement between Italy and Germany
  4. 11. Dictator of Germany
  5. 13. Non-Aggression Pact between Germany and USSR
  1. 1. Organization that failed to stop war
  2. 2. US policy to stay out of European conflicts
  3. 4. Policy attempted by Britain and France to avoid war
  4. 5. Significant country that was not part of League of Nations
  5. 7. Author that started as a political cartoonist
  6. 8. Treaty that ended World War I
  7. 10. Country in Africa invaded by Italy
  8. 12. Country ruled by Mussolini