
  1. 2. Creature with a human upper body and horse lower body (10 letters)
  2. 5. Zodiac sign represented by a centaur (11 letters)
  3. 7. Skill of shooting with a bow and arrow (7 letters)
  4. 8. Offspring of two different species (6 letters)
  5. 11. Female centaurs (11 letters)
  6. 14. Traditional stories or myths (7 letters)
  7. 15. Legendary creature (8 letters)
  1. 1. Imagination or unreal elements (7 letters)
  2. 3. Collection of traditional stories (9 letters)
  3. 4. Knowledge and experience (6 letters)
  4. 6. Wise centaur in Greek mythology (6 letters)
  5. 9. Equine animal (5 letters)
  6. 10. Culture associated with ancient Greece (5 letters)
  7. 12. Pertaining to horses (6 letters)
  8. 13. Rapid horse movement (6 letters)