Privacy Week - COPPA Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. Obeying a particular law or rule
  2. 4. COPPA requires _____ parental consent before collecting personal information from children under 13
  3. 7. The right to be let alone, or freedom from interference or intrusion
  4. 10. A company's location on the internet
  5. 12. A person under the age of 13
  6. 14. COPPA is designed to protect children's privacy when they are
  7. 15. The act of informing someone
  1. 1. Consent is required for the collection, use, and _____ of children's information
  2. 3. Information, especially facts or numbers
  3. 5. Hold on to personal _____ only as long as reasonably necessary
  4. 6. A person who looks after and is legally responsible for someone who is unable to manage their own affairs, especially a child
  5. 8. The act of making people obey a law or rule
  6. 9. An official rule implementing a statue
  7. 11. The FTC can impose these _____ for non-compliance with COPPA
  8. 13. A parent can revoke their ____ at anytime