CCS 3rd Grade List 18

  1. 2. a residence in a building that contains many of these
  2. 4. resembling; having like form or appearance
  3. 6. a piece of jewelry worn around the neck
  4. 8. to win in the past
  5. 13. always; without stopping
  6. 14. More bad; less perfect or good
  7. 17. extremely hot
  8. 18. an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally
  9. 19. difficulty; problems
  10. 20. a supernatural event caused by the Almighty
  11. 21. to rain in very fine particles
  12. 22. the minds thoughts of a past event
  13. 23. very strong or vigorous; very powerful
  1. 1. a tool used to sweep with
  2. 3. grateful
  3. 5. a lot; numerous
  4. 7. a long-tailed songbird with grayish plumage
  5. 9. one time
  6. 10. a dog kept to guard private property
  7. 11. a small red fruit
  8. 12. the quantity or sum of something
  9. 15. consisting of a number more than two, but not very many
  10. 16. unable to move
  11. 18. enjoyable; funny; pleasant