CCS 3rd Grade Spelling List 2

  1. 4. a regular stopping place on a public transportation route, especially a train or bus route
  2. 6. the properties and manipulation of numbers; math
  3. 9. satisfied; pleased
  4. 12. how words are structured and conveyed
  5. 13. the art or skill of writing by hand
  6. 14. words attached to an object and giving information about it
  7. 16. an insect with two pairs of large brightly colored wings
  1. 1. a series of pleasant thoughts that distract one's attention
  2. 2. a powered flying vehicle with fixed wings
  3. 3. the sweet product of a tree or other plant that contains seeds and can be eaten
  4. 4. the study of God's physical and natural world through observation and experiment
  5. 5. to say; to make known
  6. 7. awkward in movement or in handling things
  7. 8. a pebbly or sandy shore by a lake or ocean
  8. 10. two times
  9. 11. a glossy red fruit that is eaten as a vegetable or in salad
  10. 13. a starchy plant tuber cooked and eaten as a vegetable
  11. 15. a thing learned or to be learned by a student