CDBG-DR Financials

  1. 4. cost type (2 words)
  2. 9. all expenditures should be
  3. 11. revenue off eligible activities (2 words)
  1. 1. 15% of these types of activities must be set aside according to the DRSSA of 2021
  2. 2. financial management exhibit (no hyphen)
  3. 3. alcohol purchase with federal funds
  4. 5. CPD Notice 15-07 highlights these types of costs
  5. 6. when admin funds can be comingled
  6. 7. refers to when funds can used to address unmet needs from multiple disasters (same)
  7. 8. costs that benefit more than one objective
  8. 10. admin + planning cap on CDBG-DR grants