Celebrate Bricker

  1. 1. Number of industry groups
  2. 4. February 2018 natural disaster affecting Marietta
  3. 7. Years in the Old, Old Post Office
  4. 8. Cleveland office street address
  5. 10. Political office of founding partner
  6. 14. Client _______
  7. 15. Geographically most southern office location
  8. 17. Leaves the station every month
  9. 18. First firm associate
  10. 20. Contact database
  11. 21. Program Kurt Tunnell founded
  12. 23. Legal assistant groups
  1. 2. Transportation industry once represented by firm
  2. 3. Abbreviation for Bricker's Information Governance
  3. 5. Current document management program
  4. 6. Attribute of client service
  5. 9. Halloween event
  6. 11. First office building of firm
  7. 12. Enriches the quality of firm's work
  8. 13. Dayton river view
  9. 16. Party at Bricker
  10. 19. Mail, copy center and hospitality team
  11. 22. Firm's current decade