Celebrating Jubilee JoAnne!

  1. 4. scientific sisters
  2. 5. double joy
  3. 6. beloved program
  4. 7. cool and happy tens
  5. 8. juices flowing
  6. 9. sold out!
  7. 12. “damned near”
  8. 15. rarely misses
  9. 17. no truer friends
  10. 19. lights up a room
  1. 1. was comfy there
  2. 2. queen of guests
  3. 3. for the sake of the Church
  4. 10. a pause that refreshes
  5. 11. not again!
  6. 13. opening minds
  7. 14. young and carefree there
  8. 16. dear, oh dear!
  9. 17. celebrating promises kept
  10. 18. blaze craze