Cell surface receptors

  1. 3. Receptor for photons
  2. 6. Binds 5 different GPCRs and increases heart rate
  3. 8. A substance that binds a receptor
  4. 10. Enzyme which adds phosphate groups
  5. 12. Proteins that transmit signals from a receptor to effectors
  6. 14. Toxin affecting G proteins
  7. 15. Number of transmembrane domains in a GPCR
  8. 16. Alterations in gene transcription occur on a relatively ____ timescale
  9. 18. Peptide hormone which binds to a RTK
  1. 1. Molecular switched in GPCR signalling cascades
  2. 2. Transporter activated by binding of a molecule
  3. 4. Enzyme inhibited by Gi and stimulated by Gs
  4. 5. A common type of target protein
  5. 7. Molecules which alter metabolism or affect target proteins
  6. 9. Mechanism by which GPCR signalling is turned off
  7. 11. Type 2 diabetes results in insulin _________
  8. 13. Signalling molecule found in synapses
  9. 17. Two of the same proteins in an interacting state