Cell Theory

  1. 5. Cells Do not have a nucleus
  2. 7. tiny organelles that link amino acids together to form proteins
  3. 8. Mosaic Model Describes the arrangement of the molecules that make up the cell membrane
  4. 10. A network proteins that is constantly changing to meet the needs of a cell
  5. 13. Organelles that carry out photosynthesis
  6. 14. Diffusion of water molecules
  7. 16. Gradient The difference in the concentration of a substances from one location to another
  8. 19. Is a fluid filled sac used for the storage of materials
  9. 23. Solution has a higher concentration of dissolved particles
  10. 25. A jellylike substance that contains dissolved molecular building blocks
  11. 26. Reticulum interconnected network of thin folded of the cell membranes
  12. 27. Membrane bound organelles that contain enzymes
  13. 29. permeability Which means it allows some but not all materials to cross
  14. 30. Transport Drives molecules across a membrane from a lower to a higher concentration
  15. 31. The storehouse for most of genetic information or DNA
  1. 1. Cells Have a nucleus and other membrane bound organelles
  2. 2. Diffusion Diffusion of molecules across a membrane through transport proteins
  3. 3. the movement of molecules in a fluid or gas from a region of higher concentration
  4. 4. Ex: A solution
  5. 6. Supply energy to the cell
  6. 9. consists of closely layered stacks of membrane-enclosed spaces that process sort and deliver proteins.
  7. 11. Composed of three basic parts
  8. 12. A type of endocytosis
  9. 15. The process of taking liquids into a cell by engulfing them in a membrane
  10. 17. small membrane bound sacs and divide some materials from the rest of the cytoplasm
  11. 18. Protein that detects a signal molecule and performs an action in response
  12. 20. A lower concentration of dissolved concentration
  13. 21. Structures specialized to perform distinct processes within a cell
  14. 22. The opposite of endocytosis
  15. 24. Transport The movement of molecules across a cell membrane without energy input form the cell
  16. 28. Membrane or the plasma membrane