- 6. Moves material out of the cell
- 12. Organelles that help separate chromosomes
- 13. Most common passive transport
- 14. Site of ribosome production
- 16. Bulk transport moving things into the cell
- 19. Membrane method of construction
- 20. Water loving
- 21. Normal cell phase
- 23. Modifies and packages proteins for shipping out of the cell
- 1. Studded with ribosomes, makes membrane materials
- 2. Sites of protein synthesis in the cell
- 3. Material outside the nucleus and inside the cell
- 4. Takes energy to move material
- 5. Composed of DNA and protein
- 7. Where energy is created in the cell
- 8. Nuclear division
- 9. Building blocks of all living things
- 10. Organelles that destroy or digest things
- 11. Water hating
- 15. Phase where chromosomes are lined up in the middle of the cell
- 17. The ability to pick and choose what goes in and out of the cell
- 18. Responsible for increasing surface area
- 22. Where the chromatin lives