- 2. Concluded that all animals are composed of cells
- 4. Cells that contain membrane bound organelles such as a nucleus
- 6. Found within animals cells and are used to assist with cell division
- 8. Contains digestive enzymes that help to rid the cell of wastes
- 10. A transportation network that contains ribosomes and makes proteins
- 13. A transportation network that makes lipids for the cell
- 15. Contains DNA which regulates all the cellular processes
- 17. A whiplike structure that helps the cells move
- 18. Transforms light into organic compounds of the cell
- 20. Tiny structures within the cell that carry out various cell processes
- 21. First person to study living cells by modifying more advanced microscopes
- 23. Found within the nucleus and is responsible for making ribosomes
- 24. Short hair like projections on the cell membrane that move the cell
- 1. Solid think protein structures that provide internal structure of the cell
- 3. Cells that lack a nucleus such as bacteria
- 5. Surrounds the cell and regulates what is allowed in and out of the cell
- 6. The space between the nucleus and cell membrane that contains organelles
- 7. Smallest organelle within the cell responsible for making proteins
- 9. Hollow protein cylinders that support the inside of the cell
- 11. First person to study cells and named them
- 12. Made of cellulose and gives plants structural support
- 14. Converts organic compounds into energy (ATP) for the cell
- 16. Pigment found within the chlorplast and gives plants a green color
- 19. The storage center of the cell that stores water, nutrients and some wastes
- 22. Sorts, packages and distributes proteins into or out of the cell