Cells and Organ Systems Review

  1. 3. the basic unit of life
  2. 5. part of an organism which is self-contained and serves a vital function
  3. 6. system responsible for turning food into nutrients for your body to use
  4. 9. main organs used in breathing
  5. 11. system responsible for moving blood and nutrients around the body
  6. 12. blood and many other functions
  7. 13. main organ of the circulatory system
  8. 15. system responsible for thinking, sensation, and the regulating of other systems
  1. 1. system responsible for taking in oxygen and other gases for use by the circulatory system
  2. 2. main organ of the central nervous system
  3. 4. organ responsible for removing waste from
  4. 7. system responsible for the removal of waste from the body
  5. 8. bundles of cells which transmit messages between the brain and other organs
  6. 10. main organ responsible for digestion
  7. 14. hereditary material of almost all living things