Cells, Tissues, and Organ Systems

  1. 4. Animals have _____ types of tissue
  2. 5. This organ system takes in oxygen for the body
  3. 6. Examples of organs are the heart, brain, liver, _____, and kidneys
  4. 7. This organ system breaks down food for nourishment
  5. 10. Type of organism with more than one cell
  6. 12. You need a _______ to study cells
  7. 14. This organ system supports the body
  8. 15. Having only one cell
  9. 16. Cells need food, water and ____ to live
  10. 18. Tissue that covers internal and external body surfaces
  11. 19. Plants and animals share this type of tissue
  1. 1. A living thing that can carry out life processes by itself
  2. 2. Groups of tissue with similar functions
  3. 3. Groups of cells with similar functions
  4. 8. Plants have _____ types of tissue
  5. 9. Tissue that stretches and contracts to let the body move
  6. 11. What is the basic unit of structure?
  7. 13. Tissue that anchors, connects, and supports other tissue
  8. 17. Tissue that receives and carries messages to the brain and body