Central America & The Caribbean

  1. 2. Water passageway through the isthmus
  2. 4. Costa Rica is known for being a place of
  3. 6. early civilization of Central America
  4. 8. Nicaraguan group who overthrew dictator Somoza
  5. 10. an archipelago of islands
  6. 12. Belize official language
  7. 13. remains of ancient Mayan temples
  8. 14. person forced to flee the country to escape war, persecution, or natural disasters
  9. 16. a dish made of leftover pig parts from slaveholders
  10. 19. self-governing territory
  1. 1. Central America's most populous country
  2. 2. a dialect in the Caribbean
  3. 3. marks changes in tropical seasons
  4. 5. territories of this country did not want independence
  5. 7. heavy rains and wind causing floods and destruction
  6. 9. a narrow strip of land with sea on either side that links two larger areas of land
  7. 11. Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua fought for this
  8. 15. found the Caribbean which he thought was India
  9. 17. United Fruit Company controlled product
  10. 18. large fields where American Indians and African slaves were forced to work