Central Asia & the Middle East

  1. 4. Anything similar to American or European culture
  2. 7. The land between the rivers
  3. 9. Largest Ethnic group of Afghanistan
  4. 13. Primary language of the Middle East
  5. 14. Religious leaders of Shia Muslims
  6. 15. Primary religion of the region
  7. 18. Capital of Qatar
  8. 19. Terrorist group located in Afghanistan
  9. 20. Holy City in the Middle East
  10. 23. Afghanistan's major mountain range
  11. 24. Nomadic herders
  1. 1. Afghanistan's transitional President
  2. 2. The empire of the Arabian Peninsula (1500s)
  3. 3. The Muslim community established by Muhammed
  4. 5. Country where the 2022 World Cup was held
  5. 6. People who built the first known cities
  6. 7. Prophet who spread Islam
  7. 8. The regions most valuable natural resource
  8. 10. Capital of Saudi Arabia
  9. 11. Capital of Iran
  10. 12. Head covering worn by Middle Eastern women
  11. 16. The main branch of Islam
  12. 17. Primary language of Iran
  13. 21. A Western looking city with a palm shaped island
  14. 22. Sea that separates Arabia and Africa