Ceramics & Sculpture Wordsearch

  1. 2. having or to create body
  2. 6. glued paper
  3. 9. native
  4. 10. paint for ceramics
  5. 12. useful or function
  6. 13. fully three dimensional
  7. 15. problem
  8. 18. used to create form through line
  9. 19. mostly flat sculpture
  1. 1. to mark
  2. 3. to tell a story
  3. 4. oiled wire
  4. 5. ready for kiln fire
  5. 7. having a solution
  6. 8. African people from Mali
  7. 11. fires mediums
  8. 14. first kiln fire
  9. 15. way of living
  10. 16. used to add clay pieces together
  11. 17. sequence of rings