Ch. 1-4 Crossword

  1. 1. How many views did Barnlund propose that every conversation between two people involve?
  2. 2. Words are ____ to which humans attach meaning.
  3. 7. level to which people need each other to attain their goals
  4. 9. conflicts caused by misinterpretations and misinformation
  5. 11. public or private image one holds about oneself
  6. 12. distributive view that resources are limited
  7. 16. removing oneself from the controversy
  8. 19. focus on the communication that occurs between people in conflict rather than on an individual or internal processes
  9. 20. general conversational area in which a conflict issue may be embedded
  10. 21. relatively stable set of perceptions, values, attitudes, and beliefs an individual holds about oneself
  11. 24. process by which individuals weave together facts, feelings, and inferences to explain the world
  12. 25. this theory suggests there are types of forces that drive conflict and forces that restrain conflict
  13. 27. ultra argumentativeness using personal attacks, name-calling, etc.
  14. 30. in negotiation, a party's desired means of how an event should happen or a negotiation should proceed
  15. 32. moment when how one responds can change the entire direction of a relationship
  16. 35. theory that holds individuals create meaning and interpret reality through a series of personal constructs or schemas
  17. 37. statement taking responsibility for one's personal feelings or thoughts
  18. 38. goals around tangible resources
  19. 39. issues that have potential for conflict that the parties don't yet perceive to be a problem
  1. 1. anything perceived to be in short supply
  2. 3. view that through interest-based negotiations the needs of all parties can be met to some extent
  3. 4. overarching set of beliefs about how the world works and one's place in it
  4. 5. situations where an individual's goals are somewhat cooperative and somewhat competitve
  5. 6. focusing discussion on the interaction process
  6. 8. theory that holds one's personality and behavior are influenced by biological development
  7. 10. personal association for a word
  8. 13. event that precipitates a conflict episode
  9. 14. rational weighing of facts and evidence using the rules of logic
  10. 15. begrudging compliance, perhaps with plan to get even
  11. 17. struggle among a small number of interdependent people arising from perceived interference with goal achievement
  12. 18. classic game theory using two criminals pitted against each other during interrogation
  13. 22. external attributions
  14. 23. the end or desired conditioned
  15. 26. demand, proposed solution, or fixed outcome statement
  16. 28. style or tactic of response to conflict by complying with the other's wishes
  17. 29. party's desired means of how an event should happen or a negotiation should proceed
  18. 31. not facts but tentative explanations for observed behaviors
  19. 33. claiming resources or credit for solutions
  20. 34. theory that holds one's personality and behavior are influenced by social development
  21. 36. deeply seated beliefs and core ideas about right and wrong