Ch. 12 Arts and Entertainment

  1. 4. links all the food chains in an ecosystem together
  2. 6. the increasing and decreasing of a population
  3. 7. succession following a disturbance that destroys a community without destroying the soil. Takes a shorter time than primary succession. Examples of things start secondary succession: lava flow, fires, avalanches, humans
  4. 13. living things
  5. 14. non-living factors including temperature, water, sunlight, wind, rocks and soil
  6. 15. limiting factor that depends on population size: such as competition, disease, and parasites
  7. 17. a group of organisms of the same species populating a given area
  8. 18. any nonliving component of an environment
  9. 19. Living and nonliving things in an environment, together with their interactions
  1. 1. the living things in an ecosystem: animals, human
  2. 2. First species to populate an area during primary succession.
  3. 3. Limiting factor that affects all populations in similiar ways, regardless of population size. Such as weather and natural disasters.
  4. 5. largest number of individuals of a population that a environment can support
  5. 8. Last community in a succession, like hardwood trees
  6. 9. Growth pattern in which the individuals in a population reproduce at a constant rate.
  7. 10. orderly, natural changes, and species replacements that take place in communities of an ecosystem over time
  8. 11. Succession that occurs on surfaces where no soil exists. Takes a long time.
  9. 12. and biotic or abiotic factors that restricts the existence, numbers, reproduction, or distribution of organisms
  10. 16. the power or capacity of an organism to tolerate unfavorable environmental conditions