Ch 12 White Collar Crime

  1. 5. federal law that subjects to criminal or civil sanctions to any person.
  2. 8. usings one's institutional position to grant favors and sell information to which one's co-conspiators are entitled.
  3. 9. using the internet to steal someone's identitiy and'or impersonate the victim.
  4. 11. methods of controlling white-collar crime rely on the threat of economic sanctions or civil penalties to control potential violaters.
  5. 13. using the internet to buy or sell merchandise illegally.
  6. 14. use of the instrumentsn of modern technology for criminal purposes.
  7. 15. illgal buying of stock in a company on the basis of information provided by someone who has a fiduciary interest in the company.
  8. 16. a national syndicate of some 25 itailia- dominated crime families who control organized crime in distinct geographic areas.
  9. 18. use of computer networks for criminal profits.
  1. 1. use of illegal tactics to gain profit in the marketplace.
  2. 2. placing broker's personal orders ahead f a customer's large order to profit from the market effects of the trade.
  3. 3. using the internet,email,or other electronics communications devices to stalk or harsass another person.
  4. 4. poerful institutions or thier representatives willfully violate the laws that restrain these institutions from doing socail harm or require them to do socail good.
  5. 6. methods of controlling whit-color crime that rely punishment of individual offenders to deter other would-be violaters.
  6. 7. collarcrime illegal activites of people and institutions whose acknowledged purpose is profit through legitimate business transactions.
  7. 8. a term that denotes all forms of technolgoy.
  8. 10. the illegal control by agreement amongproducers or manufacturers of the price of a commidty to avoid price competition and deprive the consumer of reasonable prices.
  9. 12. illegal activites or people and organizations whose acknowledged purpose is profit through illegitimate business enterprise.
  10. 13. a standard investigative tool of the FBI that focuses on criminal enterprise and attacks the structure or the criminal enterprise.
  11. 17. the belief, subscribed to by the federal government and many respected criminologist.