Ch 13 Review Crossword

  1. 2. family who ruled the Franks
  2. 4. Dominant ruler of German princes in 1152
  3. 5. Germanic people who lived in Gaul
  4. 9. Created by Otto I, Germain-Italian empire
  5. 10. church tax paid to village priest by serfs
  6. 11. Compromise: popes appoint bishops, kings can veto them
  7. 17. religious rights removed from ONE person
  8. 20. mounted horsemen who pledged to defend the lord
  9. 21. lords estate
  10. 22. land grant given by the lord
  11. 23. person who received the land grant
  12. 25. ALL kings subjects denied church services
  13. 26. traveling poet musicians at courts of Europe
  14. 27. AKA Charles the Great,Son of Pepin the Short
  1. 1. important religious ceremonies
  2. 3. medieval period spanning from 500 to 1500AD
  3. 6. landowner
  4. 7. Excommunicated Henry IV when Henry denounced him.
  5. 8. includes priests, bishops, cardinals, and the pope
  6. 12. wordy, powers involved in politics
  7. 13. laws of the Church -- includes marriage, death, divorce, etc
  8. 14. Tried to usurp the Pope when law investiture was banned
  9. 15. religious communities of men
  10. 16. kings appoint church officials
  11. 18. mock battles for knights practice
  12. 19. people who could not lawfully leave the land
  13. 24. complex set of ideals for knights