Ch. 16 Vocabulary (Civil Rights)

  1. 2. the Black ____ Mvmt. sought to compel respect for African American rights and improve their condition
  2. 4. This commission investigated causes of urban riots
  3. 10. the CR Act of 1964 ended _________ in public places
  4. 12. the Freedom ____ protested segregated bus terminals
  5. 13. used sit-ins to desegregated restaurants
  6. 16. The Brown vs. Board case declared segregation in ______ was unconstitutional
  7. 18. AR Governor who refused to desegregate schools
  8. 19. NAACP lawyer who argued for the Brown family before the Supreme Court
  9. 20. the Voting Rights Act outlawed discriminatory practices that denied African Americans the right to ____
  1. 1. The Plessy v. Ferguson permitted _____ as long as equal facilities were provided
  2. 3. The Southern ___________ declared the Brown decision an abuse of judicial power
  3. 5. speech given by MLK at the March on WAshington in 1963
  4. 6. led many civil rights demonstrations using passive resistance
  5. 7. school in Little Rock that became the site of a battle over school segregation
  6. 8. arrested for refusing to move to the back of a bus in Montgomery, AL
  7. 9. segregation by custom and tradition
  8. 11. black activist, member of the Nation of Islam, who initially supported separatism
  9. 14. civil rights organization founded in 1909 to fight lynching
  10. 15. the Civil Rights Act of 1957 allowed the Dept. of ____ to seek injunctions against states denying African Americans the right to vote
  11. 17. demonstrations where protestors refused to leave segregated restaurants until they were served