Ch. 17 Vocab

  1. 4. Irregular troops who blend into the civilian population the act of hit and run
  2. 7. WHere faculity members and students of University of Michigan discussed the issues surrounding the war and reaffirmed their reason for opposing it
  3. 8. Suprise attack launched by the Vietcong and North Vietnamese where the gurrilla fighters attacked virtually all American airbases in SOuth Vietnam and most of the South's major cities and provincial capitals
  4. 10. The trail where North Vietnam sent arms and supplies south
  5. 12. It was hard to believe what the Johnson administration said about the war
  6. 14. A chemical that strips leaves from trees and shrubs, turning farmlaqnd and forest into wasteland
  7. 15. A jellied gasoline that explodes on contact
  1. 1. Leader of South Vietnam who was anti-communist
  2. 2. Authorized the president to "take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression"
  3. 3. The people who wanted the US to withdraw from Vietnam
  4. 5. If one country fell to communism, so too would other countries
  5. 6. People who insisted that the US stay and fight
  6. 9. The first step of organizing a new guerrilla army
  7. 11. Keeping communism at its current boarders
  8. 13. Leader of the nationalist movement, became an advocate for communism