Ch 29

  1. 2. Abbreviation for gestational hypertension
  2. 5. H, hemolysis; EL, elevated liver enzymes; LP, low platelet count
  3. 6. Number of deaths in a given population
  4. 8. Increase in blood pressure
  5. 11. Fertilization of two separate ova
  6. 13. State of having disease
  7. 14. Massive, generalized edema
  8. 15. Exposing the skin to fluorescent lights
  9. 16. Abnormal toxic accumulation of bilirubin in central nervous system tissues
  10. 17. Lack of normal tone or strength
  1. 1. Uses suture material to constrict the internal os of the cervix
  2. 3. Excess of bilirubin in the blood of the newborn
  3. 4. Twins begin with one fertilized ovum
  4. 5. Excessive amount of amniotic fluid
  5. 7. Increased blood pressure after 20 weeks gestation with seizure activity
  6. 9. Organisms capable of crossing the placenta: toxoplasmosis, other infections, rubella virus, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex viruses
  7. 10. Phototherapy at home
  8. 12. Abbreviation for gestational diabetes mellitus