Ch. 4

  1. 3. (Blank) Trade connected America, Europe, and Africa
  2. 4. Trading Goods Illegally
  3. 6. The (Blank) Rebellion happened in South Carolina
  4. 8. Rice, Tobacco, Indigo, Cotton
  5. 10. (Blank) Workers made nails and braces for Shipbuilding
  6. 13. The Northern Colonies are also called the (Blank) Colonies
  7. 14. (Blank) Slavery people classified as goods with no rights.
  1. 1. Product made from Whale Fat
  2. 2. (Blank)Farming: Growing enough to feed family
  3. 5. (Blank) Acts said goods had to be brought on English Ships
  4. 7. (Blank) Makers used to hold sails on ships
  5. 9. Slave (Blank) were a set of laws that were created to control enslaved people
  6. 11. Large home estate farm. Worked by enslaved people
  7. 12. (Blank) Passage brought enslaved people from Africa to America