Ch. 5

  1. 2. Winthrop, Leading Puritan governor
  2. 4. articles, tobacco,cotton,sugar
  3. 6. bringing goods into country
  4. 7. willingness to let others practice their religion
  5. 11. acts, set of laws imposed by England on the colonies
  6. 12. leave their country settle elsewhere
  7. 13. government, one in which the people hold power and exercise it by choosing representives in a free election
  8. 14. group of people that make laws
  1. 1. Hooker, left Mass. to set up colony in Connecticut
  2. 3. theory ofbuilding up gold and expanding trade
  3. 5. owner of the manors
  4. 8. goods sent to markets outside the country
  5. 9. Penn, Quaker from Pennsylvania
  6. 10. servant,someone who owes a debt for their passage