Ch. 6-8 Crossword - Clare Winter

  1. 1. reviews district court decisions
  2. 6. commanded Detroit
  3. 7. privately owned merchant ships equipped with weapons
  4. 10. government must follow procedures to process a law
  5. 13. ,Virginia
  6. 14. argued that women's minds are as good as men's
  7. 19. means to take more and more money to buy the same good
  8. 20. surprise attack
  1. 2. movement of knowledge
  2. 3. hit and run technique
  3. 4. something added to a document
  4. 5. raided British ports in 1777
  5. 8. Spanish governor of Louisiana
  6. 9. British commander who hoped the large size of his army would convince patriots to give up
  7. 11. one who remained loyal to Britain
  8. 12. no single branch can dominate
  9. 15. also means enlist
  10. 16. process of becoming a citizen
  11. 17. hired soldiers to fight
  12. 18. not taking a side