Ch. 7 Skeletal System Unit

  1. 2. Production of blood cells from dividing stem and progenitor cells; hemopoiesis
  2. 5. dense connective tissue covering the surface of a bone; a tough, vascular covering of dense connective tissue
  3. 8. thin, scalelike structure located in the medial wall of each orbit between the ethmoid bone and the maxilla
  4. 10. branching bony plate that separates irregular spaces within spongy bone
  5. 13. cartilaginous layers between the epiphyses and diaphysis of a long bone that grow, lengthening the bone
  6. 16. forms anterior portion of the skull above the eyes, including the forehead, the roof of the nasal cavity, and the roofs of the orbits (bony sockets) of the eyes
  7. 17. Thin, flat bone located in the midline of the nasal cavity; it connects to the ethmoid bone to form the nasal septum
  8. 18. 5 bones of the instep
  9. 19. cartilage hyaline cartilage that covers ends of bones in synovial joints
  10. 20. 7 ankle bones
  11. 22. forms the lowest portion of the hip bone, is L-shaped, with its angle (ischial tuberosity) pointing posteriorly and downward
  12. 24. bones that have long longitudinal axes and expanded ends; i.g.) forearm and thigh bones
  13. 25. dense bone tissue in which cells are organized in osteons without apparent spaces; has a continuous extracellular matrix with no gaps
  14. 28. long, thin, and nearly rectangular; lie side by side and are fused at the midline where they form the bridge of the nose
  15. 29. lower jawbone; a horizontal horseshoe-shaped body with a vertical, flat ramus projecting upward at each end
  16. 33. bone that forms from membranelike layers of primitive connective tissue
  17. 34. Any of the round bones that form within tendons adjacent to joints; usually small and nodular and embedded in a tendon adjacent to a joint; i.g.) kneecap (patella)
  18. 38. oxygen-carrying pigment in red blood cells
  19. 45. bones with a variety of shapes and most are connected to several other bones; i.g.) vertebrae that compose the backbone and many facial bones
  20. 46. the widening part of the bone where diaphysis and epiphysis meet
  21. 48. thigh bone
  22. 50. either end of a long bone that articulates (forms a joint) with another bone
  23. 52. upper arm bone
  24. 54. platelike structures with broad surfaces; i.g.) ribs, scapulae, and some bones of the skull
  25. 56. located below each parietal bone forming the lower sides and the base of the cranium; joins the parietal bone along a squamous suture
  26. 58. bone that begins as hyaline cartilage that is subsequently replaced by bone tissue
  27. 59. constitutes the anterior portion of the hip bone
  28. 60. The lateral and smaller bone of the lower leg
  29. 61. a tarsal bone that can move freely where it joins the tibia and fibula, forming the ankle
  30. 62. membranous areas of incomplete intramembranous ossification
  31. 65. Inner and larger bone of the forearm, attached to the wrist and located on the side of the little finger.
  32. 68. the largest of the tarsals; heel bone; located below the talus where it projects backward to form the base of the heel
  33. 69. the twelve vertebrae of the thorax that hold the ribs
  34. 70. bone that consists of bars and plates separated by irregular spaces; cancellous bone
  35. 71. bone-forming cell
  36. 72. cavity containing red or yellow marrow within the diaphysis of a long bone
  37. 73. located in front of the sphenoid bone; consists of two masses, one on each side of the nasal cavity, joined horizontally by thin cribriform plates
  38. 74. the second cervical vertebra; specialized with an upward projection called the odontoid process, on which the atlas rotates
  39. 75. hormone released by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland that promotes the growth of the organism
  1. 1. the part of the skeleton that supports and protects the organs of the head, neck, and trunk
  2. 3. cell that breaks down bone matrix
  3. 4. Formed by the pelvic girdle, sacrum, and coccyx; protects the lower abdominal and internal reproductive organs
  4. 6. cylinder-shaped unit containing bone cells and matrix lamellae that surround a central canal; Haversian system
  5. 7. located on each side of the skull just behind the frontal bone; shaped like a curved plate and has four borders; form the bulging sides and roof of the cranium
  6. 9. responsible for the prominences of the cheeks below and to the sides of the eyes; help form the lateral walls and the floors of the orbits
  7. 11. The shin bone; the larger of the two bones of the lower leg
  8. 12. consists of thirteen immovable bones and a movable lower jawbone; forms the basic shape of the face; provide attachments for muscles that move the jaw and control facial expressions
  9. 14. cranium and facial bones
  10. 15. located in the neck, supports the tongue and has no articulations to other bones
  11. 18. forms the upper jaw;
  12. 21. the 5 bones that form the palms of the hand
  13. 23. located behind the maxillae
  14. 26. transfer sound vibrations to the hearing receptors
  15. 27. mature bone cells
  16. 30. consists of the femur, patella (kneecap), tibia, and fibula
  17. 31. seven bones that comprise the bony axis of the neck
  18. 32. first cervical vertebra that supports the head
  19. 35. kneecap; covers the anterior surface
  20. 36. shaft of a long bone
  21. 37. 8 wrist bones
  22. 39. connective tissue within spaces in bones that includes hematopoietic stem cells
  23. 40. wedged between several other bones in the anterior portion of the cranium; consists of a central part and two winglike structures that extend laterally toward each side of the skull
  24. 41. encloses and protects the brain, and its surface provides attachments for muscles that make chewing and head movements possible
  25. 42. the five vertebrae in the small of the back (loin) that support more weight than the superior vertebrae and have larger and stronger bodies
  26. 43. consists of many vertebrae separated by fibrocartilaginous intervertebral discs and connected to one another by ligaments; near the end, it has the sacrum which is ended with the coccyx; extends from the skull to the pelvis and forms the vertical axis of the skeleton
  27. 44. joins the parietal bones along the lambdoid suture; forms the back of the skull and the base of the cranium
  28. 47. cubelike, with roughly equal lengths and widths; i.g.) bones of the wrists and ankles
  29. 49. when osteoclasts resorb bone tissue and osteoblasts replace the bone; ongoing replacement of old bone tissue by new bone tissue
  30. 51. fragile, scroll-shaped bones attached to the lateral walls of the nasal cavity; largest of the conchae; are below the superior and middle nasal conchae of the ethmoid bone; support mucous membranes in the nasal cavity
  31. 53. tissue lining the medullary cavity in a bone
  32. 55. lateral bone of the forearm
  33. 57. formed by two hip bones attached to each other anteriorly and to the sacrum posteriorly; connect the bones of the lower limbs to the axial skeleton; part of the pelvis
  34. 63. the largest and most superior portion of the hip bone, flares outward, forming the prominence of the hip
  35. 64. consist of the humorous, radius, and ulnas
  36. 66. 14 bones of the fingers & toes
  37. 67. lower jaw bone; a movable bone held to the cranium by ligaments